Stop Homophobia



The editorials express the opinion of the guest editors and might not reflect the views of any of the volunteer staff at Stop Homophobia or any related human rights web site.

Editorial - Reluctant Hero, Not Gay Agenda. April 2008.
Editorial - Documentary - Cost of Homophobia. May 2007.
Editorial - Documentary - Public Displays of Affection. May 2007.
Editorial - Documentary - Fish Can't Fly. January 2007.
Editorial - Affirming Edmonton Church. December 2006.
Editorial - Gay Marriage in Denmark. November 2006.
Editorial - Rev. Louis Sheldon & "Pro-Homosexual Dems" Editorial. November 2006.
Editorial - Ted Haggard & Savage Love Commentary. November 2006.
Editorial - Lessons from Ted Haggard. November 2006.
Editorial - Protecting Families. October 2006.
Editorial - Regarding "My Life Away From Exodus." August 2006.
Editorial - Blasphemy in the Name of God. July 2006.
Editorial - Equality Ride. July 2006.
Editorial - Authoritarian Churches & Homophobia. July 2006.
Editorial - Brokeback Mountain Review. March 2006.
Editorial - Response to 20/20 Documentary on Matthew Shepard's Murder by John Day. March 2006.
Editorial - Justice in the Courts. March 2006.
Editorial - James Dobson Under Attack. March 2006.
Editorial - Movie Review - Brokeback Mountain. February 2006.
Editorial - Aaron Webster Murder Trials Revisited. December 2005.
Editorial - Hurricane Katrina. September 2005.
Editorial - Poetic Reflection on Homophobic Christians. August 2005.
Editorial - Gay Vietnam Speaks Out. August 2005.
Editorial - Ronnie Antonio Paris Murder. July 2005.
Editorial - Canadian National Day Against Homophobia. June 1, 2005.
Editorial - James Dobson & Focus on the Family. May 2005.
Editorial - David Mainse & 100 Huntley Street Ministries - More. May 2005
Editorial - David Mainse & 100 Huntley Street Ministries. April 2005.
Editorial - Aaron Webster's Murders Not Charged With Hate Crime. April 2005.
Editorial - Jason Gage Murder. April 2005.
Editorial - Gay Teen Suicide. February 2005.
Editorial - Short Critique of 20/20 Documentary on Matthew Shepard's murder. February 2005.
Editorial - Response to Article Saying Matthew Shepard Was Killed for Drug Debts. February 2005.
Editorial - Conviction in Aaron Webster Murder. December 2004.
Editorial - United Church of Christ Television Advertisements. December 2004.
Editorial - Donald Aldrich Executed.
Editorial - Fannyann Eddy's Murder. October 2004.
Editorial - Canadian Thanksgiving 2004 - 6 Years After Matthew Shepard Died. October 2004.
Editorial - Safe School Environment. October 2004.
Editorial - Scotty Weaver's Funeral. September 2004.
Editorial - Jimmy Swaggart. September 2004.
Editorial - Scotty Weaver. September 2004.